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Machu Pichu



Lima • Cusco • Sacred Valley • Machu Picchu • Cusco • Lima

  05D - 04N

What do we do on tour?

Check out this day-by-day schedule from an actual Tour Peru - Behind the Scenes experience!


Upon waking and after breakfast, we embark on a tour of Lima and nearby sites including the “Huaca Pucllana”, an ancient archeological site right in the middle of Miraflores! Our tour will be guided by noted Peruvian Archeologist Carlos Olivera, covering sites as diverse as adobe constructios from 700AD to Spanish Colonial architecture in downtown Lima. After lunch at Punto Azul we return to our hotel, rest and prepare for our welcome concert.

Day 1

Day 2 - Tour

A mid morning master class on Afro-Peruvian jazz music by Dr. Gabriel Alegría will link this traditional art form with jazz music in preparation for the evening concert. One of our favorite activities is a ceviche making lesson, curated by the chefs and cooks led by Julio Cesar Luna, influential Peruvian restauranteer and owner of Punto Azul. An early evening walk to the San Isidro district will include a stop for ice cream at Laritza D’ (arguably the best ice cream parlor on planet earth). Try lucuma ice cream! We will enjoy an evening concert.

Day 2

Day 3 - Tour Behind - Kusa Travel

After breakfast we will participate one guitarrist lecture demonstration and discussion about Afro-Peruvian musical traditions. Lunch will take place overlooking the Pacific Ocean, followed by an afternoon visit to the temple of Pachacamac and nearby ruins. Archeologist Carlos Olivera will be on hand to answer questions and provide a behind the scenes experience. Depending on schedules, we may even get to see an actual archeological dig in progress!

Day 3

Day 4 - Tour Behind - Kusa Travel

By now you may want some free time during the day for shopping, relaxing, sharing videos and pictures, facebooking, etc. We will provide you with many excellent alternatives. In the evening we will attend La Peña, where traditional Afro-Peruvian music is cultivated in the quaint Barranco District of Lima. 

Day 4

Day 5 - Tour Behind - Kusa Travel

We will transfer to the home and peña of legendary Criollo musician José “Pepe” Villalobos Cavero in the La Victoria district of Lima. This afternoon will give us insight and a true glimpse of criollo and Afro-Peruvian musical culture in all of its splendor. Don Pepe’s warm and loving family provide lunch and present memorable entertainment including the best of Lima’s criollo artists. This is a closed door experience (you would never find the place as there are no signs on the tiny street or don Pepe’s house). Ending time is unpredictable!

Day 5

Day 6 - Tour Behind - Kusa Travel

Lima is a fast rising, world-class culinary destination. We will have an assortment of restaurants and bars that we will visit including Peruvian sushi, Peruvian style pasta, seafood and barbeque. Fasting the day before after meal may be a good option! We will include interviews with chefs and restaurateers who will personally explain the food, preparation and ingredients found in their renditions of various Peruvian food classics.

Day 6

Day 8 al 10 - Tour Behind - Kusa Travel

Considered to be one of the seven wonders of the universe, Cusco & Machu Picchu stand alone on our planet as the most formidable archaelogical structures of early civilization. “The Lost City of the Incas” stands where the Andes mountains meet the Amazon jungle, generating a spectacular climate. Professionally curated bilingual tours will take us through the history and current scholarship regarding Cusco and Machu Picchu which are two of the most fascinating destinations in the world.

Day 7 - 10. Cusco & Machu Picchu

All good things come to an end so we will coordinate our good-byes and transfers to the airport on an individual basis. This is a day to reflect, share and relax before travel. Last minute shopping is minutes away so we will happily help you with that as well. There is an amazing artisan store called which is a must, even if you don’t buy anything!

Day 7 - Tour Behind - Kusa Travel
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